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Our History:

​​Ghost River Rediscovery Society was founded in 1994. For the first three years of operation, we offered summer programming which relied primarily on the much appreciated support of many volunteers who shared our vision. In 1997, Ghost River Rediscovery Society transitioned into a year-round operation. At that time, we recognized the vital need to provide ongoing year-round support and follow-up to compliment the summer programming we already offered. The winter programming became the vital next step in realizing the Ghost River Rediscovery Society vision. The transition was facilitated by the support of the Calgary Foundation and the City of Calgary Family and Community Support Services (FCSS). Ghost River Rediscovery was the first Rediscovery program established within an urban centre and our original transition made us the first to operate all year long. Since inception, Ghost River Rediscovery Society has continued to evolve to meet the multifaceted needs of the communities we support, placing special focus on the needs and challenges faced by disadvantaged children and youth. We have become an internationally recognized organization for our work in communities worldwide.
​​Upon realizing our goal of offering a year-round cultural camps program, known as Ancient Pathways-New Directions, Ghost River Rediscovery Society utilized that momentum to continue expanding and enhancing the organization. The Youth Leadership Program was established in 1998 and was designed to help develop young leaders in the field of Cultural Outdoor Education. The Youth Leadership program offers a multitude of programming on a national and international scale, including youth exchanges, public engagement projects and paid international internships in countries around the world. Ghost River Rediscovery Society Youth Leadership Program is continuously developing and maintaining our international partnerships. Since the Youth Leadership Program started, we have worked in counties such as Austria, Estonia, Finland, Poland, New Zealand, Guyana, Dominica, India, and Brazil to name a few. The Youth Leadership program also maintains a strong commitment to the development of Indigenous communities and youth around the world, as evidenced by our successful implementation of the Indigenous Insights to Human Rights Project in Bolivia, and others in Guyana and Dominica. The Indigenous Insights to Human Rights Project, funded primarily by the Canadian International Development Agency aims to educate indigenous youth within Bolivia about their human rights and to encourage individuals to take proactive roles within their communities and the world.​


As Ghost River Rediscovery Society continued developing the Youth Leadership Program and Ancient Pathways New Directions program, we simultaneously designed a Rediscovery in Schools Program which was implemented in the winter of 1998. The program was adopted and implemented in several schools in Calgary, and we have since witnessed a great interest for our support in introducing similar program initiatives across the country.
In June 2007, we expanded our horizons by introducing the Aboriginal Senior’s Gathering Place. The program was designed with the intention to reduce the barriers faced by elderly community members and to improve the social climate for seniors in Calgary and area.
After more than 15 years since we first began, Ghost River Rediscovery Society continues to develop and grow alongside the communities we service. We have developed a full Safety Management Program which includes Wilderness First Aid and Rediscovery International training and which meets industry standards. We have established a community initiative providing Aboriginal Awareness Training Sessions across Canada which meets the Alberta Association of Services for Children and Families (AASCF) standards. Our commitment to community development has seen Ghost River Rediscovery partner with the University of Victoria in developing a training program for leaders and educators working with Aboriginal youth. Ghost River Rediscovery also assisted in the development of the Aboriginal Youth and Child Care Diploma at Mount Royal College.
As we look forward into the future of the organization, we are encouraged by a history of monumental successes and inspired by the individuals with which we connect every day

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